Wednesday, October 21, 2009

making progress

Spoke to Ann Khan today and told her what I was trying to do.
Outcome was that have decided to keep it simple and not try to get too fancy when I'm new to creating online learning.

If using Captivate, which saves as a swf file format, would work fine if using eMIT, but otherwise the difficulty is that you need to choose a media format eg Quick Player - and then if the user doesn't have that particular media format, then they can't open it. I want the learning materials to be used in different situations, so flexibility is important. The other difficulty with Captivate is that I believe it would be a steep learning curve and we don't have money in budget to pay for training!

With Camtasia, because you can save it in .gif format, it is easy to use anywhere.

So, outcome was - will use Wimba Create with Camtasia on eMIT.

Plan completed and emailed to Oriel today - yay!

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